Archive for March, 2012


Casablanca by Michael Curtiz

CasablancaIt is 1942 classic love story. The plot is definitely a new concept in its time. The movie is set in war time. This movie is one of the best love stories ever. This movie has all my favorite actors. It has Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman as lead characters. Ingrid Bergman is definitely one of the best actresses of all time. On the whole the movie is a classic which cannot be forgotten for centuries to come. If you ever want me to choose between the best Love stories like Casablanca and Titanic. I would always choose Casablanca.

Rating: 9/10

Shutter Island

Shutter Island by Martin Scorsese

Shutter IslandThis is one movie which gives very intense and dark feel throughout. The movie is very racy. The movie is well executed and the way the island is shown is awesome. There was not a single scene without logic. Everything was in place. The performances were extraordinary. Leonardo DiCaprio carried out his role with ease. His performance was really really good. The surprise package is of course Ben Kingsley. His performance was just stunning. Even though Leonardo carries the movie it is the legendary Ben Kingsley who solves the mystery. The movie carries the stamp of Scorsese throughout. The movie provides lot of detailing. There was one scene where a double was used for DiCaprio which is very clear. They could have avoided it. Other than that everything was perfect.

Rating: 9/10